Wikahskiseno - SweetGrass OldMan
Executive Director and Co-Founder
Dustin was raised on the Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation all his life and is now raising his four children Watson, Dinay Cree, Miyoskamin and Kisikoskwew along with his Wife Winter on the Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation where they are active participants of local ceremonies and members of the Native American Church. Dustin is a graduate of the University of Montana with a Native American Studies and an Anthropology baccalaureate degree. Dustin served the Chippewa Cree tribe in many capacities such as: Cree Language Instructor at the Stone Child College, Associate Judge at the Chippewa Cree Tribal Courts, Business Committee Member on the Chippewa Cree Tribal Council. Dustin believes that the language is the key to saving the identity of the Chippewa Cree Tribe.